Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Cat Fighting Irish - Mar.17, 1992 - NJ

Of course, if I had my own cat I would say that it's the cutest, but I haven't had a cat for over 12 years. Not to brag, but, if my cat were still around, he'd top any cat in anything.....literally.
He sat like a lion with his tail going straight back, ( not curled to the side like the rest of the wussie cats) he never lost a fight and always came out with no cuts or flaws. He followed me like a dog, without any leash, and all the people who saw him, were impressed, and honored him.
He inspired so-called CAT HATERS to wanting to have a cat like him...( if that makes any sense).
People were amazed of his look, his fine coat, his obedience like that of a dog, and often asked, "What kind of cat is that?"

He was born on SAINT PATRICK'S DAY. A Pisces. He had light brown eyes, a pink nose, short white shiny hair with very light brown patches only on his back, a little on his head, and his tail had brown and light brown stripes. He loved corn with corned beef. But his most favorite food is baked chicken. His Icon was "Bugs Bunny". He loved to watch LOONEY TUNES. I have never had or seen another cat quite like him. He knew who didn't like him and who did..animal instinct to be exact. He would greet some people and sometimes attack others. Some cat haters were attacked at random, but were so suprised at his actions they found it funny he tried to protect the house like a dog would. He ran away one time and I worried about him for weeks.

One night in South Camden I saw a group of alley cats in a big open lot and it was a big pile of cooked rice someone put on the ground. I noticed a white cat with light brown pathes approaching the alley cats. He walked just like my cat but I wasn't sure. I kept watching from a distance to see his actions. He walked closer to the group of cats and they began to back up slowly. They spread out away from the rice and the white cat with brown patches started eating and not one of the alley cats dared to come challenge him. I knew from there he was my cat. I approached him carefully but he noticed me. He seemed to already know I was there all along. He just kept eating and the other cats sat looking confused. I called him, he came to me and I took him home. He even made friends with stray dogs.

He was wierd and crazy but he has incredible survival skills. He grew up knowing only humans, eating human dinners as well as gourmet foods, but one day he leaves home and he knew how to make friends with other animals, bully cats for food without getting his paws dirty and not have trouble with humans or dogs. I saw a few of his fights where the so-called big bad cat of the nieghborhood comes in our yard that would rip any cat apart with his size and strength, but cries for mercy when my cat walked up to him just to test him out. And the other time when someones cat gets chased around in his own house running for dear life. Maybe other cats sense he is crazy, or maybe he had a fearless heart. Even I don't fully understand it. His looks didn't match his bold mind. He was such a georgeous cat and so clean, people thought he had to be a coward and couldn't fight worth a lick to look that nice. I love him like a son even though he is a cat. Where ever he is, Alive, I am sure he is the Heathcliff of any neighborhood. If he is Dead, whatever litter he possibly made will give him the chance to live again and to reign supreme at whatever he does.
By: Joshua Lewis of Camden NJ